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Produkt zum Begriff Game:

  • Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game
    Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game

    “Agile Software Development is a highly stimulating and rich book. The author has a deep background and gives us a tour de force of the emerging agile methods.” —Tom Gilb   The agile model of software development has taken the world by storm. Now, in Agile Software Development, Second Edition, one of agile’s leading pioneers updates his Jolt Productivity award-winning book to reflect all that’s been learned about agile development since its original introduction.   Alistair Cockburn begins by updating his powerful model of software development as a “cooperative game of invention and communication.” Among the new ideas he introduces: harnessing competition without damaging collaboration; learning lessons from lean manufacturing; and balancing strategies for communication. Cockburn also explains how the cooperative game is played in business and on engineering projects, not just software development   Next, he systematically illuminates the agile model, shows how it has evolved, and answers the questions developers and project managers ask most often, including   ·      Where does agile development fit in our organization? ·      How do we blend agile ideas with other ideas? ·      How do we extend agile ideas more broadly?   Cockburn takes on crucial misconceptions that cause agile projects to fail. For example, you’ll learn why encoding project management strategies into fixed processes can lead to ineffective strategy decisions and costly mistakes. You’ll also find a thoughtful discussion of the controversial relationship between agile methods and user experience design.   Cockburn turns to the practical challenges of constructing agile methodologies for your own teams. You’ll learn how to tune and continuously reinvent your methodologies, and how to manage incomplete communication. This edition contains important new contributions on these and other topics:   ·      Agile and CMMI ·      Introducing agile from the top down ·      Revisiting “custom contracts” ·      Creating change with “stickers”   In addition, Cockburn updates his discussion of the Crystal methodologies, which utilize his “cooperative game” as their central metaphor.   If you’re new to agile development, this book will help you succeed the first time out. If you’ve used agile methods before, Cockburn’s techniques will make you even more effective.

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Agile Game Development: Build, Play, Repeat
    Agile Game Development: Build, Play, Repeat

    The definitive guide to more effective and personally fulfilling game development with Agile Methodsnow revamped to reflect ten more years of experience and improvementsGame development is in crisisfacing bloated budgets, impossible schedules, unmanageable complexity, and death-march overtime. It's no wonder so many development studios are struggling to survive. Fortunately, there is a solution. Agile and Lean methods have revolutionized development in the game development industry. In Agile Game Development, long-time game developer and consultant Clinton Keith shows exactly how these methods have been successfully applied to the unique challenges of modern game development.Clint has spent more than 25 years developing games and training and coaching hundreds of game development teams. Drawing on this unparalleled expertise, he shows how teams can use the practices of Scrum and Kanban, customized to game development, to deliver games more efficiently, rapidly, and cost-effectively; craft games that offer more entertainment value; and make life more fulfilling for development teams at the same time.Contains several new chapters on live games, leadership, and coaching, including an all-new section on Agile for large teams of up to 1000 developersUpdates to all chapters to reflect a decade of experience with more than 200 studiosNow covering Kanban and other Agile approaches alongside ScrumUnderstanding Agile goals, roles, and practices in the context of game developmentDiscovering how Agile benefits every specialty in game development from art to QACommunicating and planning your game's vision, features, and progressGame developers and leaders are recognizing the modern challenges of gaming. Game development organizations need a far better way to work. Agile Game Development gives them thatand brings the profitability, creativity, and fun back to game development.

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development
    Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development

    Learn All the Design & Development Skills You Need to Make Great Games with Unity, the World's Most Popular Professional Game EngineIf you want to design and develop games, there is no substitute for strong, hands-on experience with modern techniques and tools. That is exactly what this book provides. Leading instructor and indie game developer Jeremy Gibson Bond covers all three disciplines that you need to succeed: game design theory, rapid iterative prototyping, and practical programming.Building on two previous best-sellers, this Third Edition contains hundreds of improvements across more than 400 new pages, all designed to make it even easier to understand and more useful in modern game development.The five game tutorials have been thoroughly revised and expanded to cover even more best practices for prototyping and development, and all examples now use Unity 2020.3 LTS (Long Term Support), a stable and feature-rich standard for years to come. The new content includes greatly enhanced tutorials, a chapter on Unity's high-performance Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS), new Coding Challenges to help you transition to making your own games from scratch, and tips on next steps after you have finished the book. The revamped website includes playable versions of all example games, plus an exciting new tool that provides immediate feedback on potential errors in your own code.Part I: Game Design and Paper PrototypingUse the Layered Tetrad to understand and design powerful interactive experiences.Explore the core game design practices of paper prototyping, testing, and iteration.Learn effective strategies for staying on track and on schedule.Get tips for finding a rewarding job in today's industry.Part II: Programming C# in UnityLearn C# from the basics through class inheritance, object-oriented programming, and data-oriented design.Part III: Game Prototype TutorialsImplement games across five genres: arcade, casual physics, space shooter, solitaire card game, and top-down adventure game. Each game is designed to be easily extensible into your own projects.Take three games from prototype to first playable through new extended tutorial chapters that refi ne the games further than in previous editions of the book.NEW! Part IV: Next StepsTackle the new, growing library of Coding Challenges, a proven method for transitioning from tutorials to creating your own projects from scratch.Get ideas and resources for new projects to tackle on your own.

    Preis: 66.33 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wilson - Evolution Game Basketball braun
    Wilson - Evolution Game Basketball braun

    ### Konzentriere Dich auf Deine Leistung und nicht auf Deine Ergebnisse, und der Erfolg kommt von ganz alleine. Deshalb ist der Wilson Evolution Game Basketball landesweit die Nummer 1 an den US - High Schools. Jeder Teil, von der feuchtigkeitsabsorbierenden Kompositoberfläche bis hin zu den tiefen Rillen, bietet erstklassige Leistung für Spieler, die sich nicht so leicht zufriedengeben. Der Evolution ist für den Innenbereich geeignet und von der National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) für das Spiel zugelassen.

    Preis: 74.95 € | Versand*: 4.95 €
  • Was ist Game Development 2?

    Game Development 2 ist ein weiterführender Kurs oder eine Fortgeschrittenenstufe im Bereich der Spieleentwicklung. In diesem Kurs werden fortgeschrittene Techniken und Konzepte des Game Designs und der Programmierung behandelt, um komplexe und anspruchsvolle Spiele zu entwickeln. Es kann auch Themen wie 3D-Grafik, Künstliche Intelligenz oder Multiplayer-Entwicklung abdecken.

  • Wie fängt man mit Game Development an?

    Um mit Game Development zu beginnen, solltest du zuerst eine Programmiersprache wie C++, C# oder JavaScript lernen. Dann kannst du eine Game Development Engine wie Unity oder Unreal Engine verwenden, um Spiele zu erstellen. Es ist auch hilfreich, sich mit den Grundlagen des Game Designs und der Spielmechanik vertraut zu machen.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Funktionen und Vorteile von Unity als Game-Development-Plattform?

    Unity bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Entwicklungsumgebung für die Erstellung von 2D- und 3D-Spielen. Die Plattform ermöglicht eine plattformübergreifende Entwicklung für verschiedene Geräte wie PC, Konsolen und mobile Endgeräte. Zudem bietet Unity eine große Community, zahlreiche Assets und Plugins, sowie eine einfache Integration von Werbung und In-App-Käufen.

  • Was ist Game of Thrones 58? - What is Game of Thrones 58?

    Game of Thrones 58 ist eine fiktive Fernsehserie, die auf der Buchreihe "Das Lied von Eis und Feuer" von George R. R. Martin basiert. Es handelt sich um die 58. Episode der Serie, die in der finalen Staffel ausgestrahlt wurde. In dieser Episode werden die verschiedenen Handlungsstränge und Charaktere der Serie weiterentwickelt und auf den Höhepunkt der Handlung hingeführt. Fans der Serie waren gespannt darauf, wie die Geschichte in dieser entscheidenden Episode weitergeführt wird.

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  • Unity Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself
    Unity Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself

    In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, Sams Teach Yourself Unity Game Development in 24 Hours will help you master the Unity 2021 game engine at the heart of Inside, Kerbal Space Program, Subnautica, and many other sizzling-hot games! This book's straightforward, step-by-step approach teaches you everything from the absolute basics through sophisticated game physics, animation, and mobile device deployment techniques. Every lesson builds on what you've already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success.* Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Unity game development tasks.* Four sample game projects illustrate the topics.* Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn.* Quizzes and exercises help you test your knowledge and stretch your skills.* Notes and Tips point out shortcuts and solutions.Learn how to...* Get up and running fast with the Unity 2021 game engine and editor* Work efficiently with Unity's graphical asset pipeline* Make the most of lights and cameras* Sculpt stunning worlds with Unity's terrain and environmental tools* Script tasks ranging from capturing input to building complex behaviors* Quickly create repeatable, reusable game objects with prefabs* Implement easy, intuitive game user interfaces* Control players through built-in and custom character controllers* Build realistic physical and trigger collisions* Leverage the full power of Unity's Animation and Timeline systems* Integrate complex audio into your games* Use mobile device accelerometers and multi-touch displays* Build engaging 2D games with Unity's 2D tools and Tilemap* Apply the "finishing touches"and deploy your games

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Nike - Revolution 7 Laufschuhe Kinder game royal
    Nike - Revolution 7 Laufschuhe Kinder game royal

    **Starte jeden Tag ganz selbstbewusst mit diesen Revolution Laufschuhen, die speziell für Spaß entwickelt wurden.** Nein, sie ist nicht mit Zucker oder Feuerwerkskörpern beladen, aber sie besticht mit tollen Farben und Designs. Darum wirst Du sie jeden Tag gerne anziehen.

    Preis: 49.99 € | Versand*: 9.95 €
  • Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game
    Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game

    This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.“Agile Software Development is a highly stimulating and rich book. The author has a deep background and gives us a tour de force of the emerging agile methods.” –Tom Gilb   The agile model of software development has taken the world by storm. Now, in Agile Software Development, Second Edition, one of agile’s leading pioneers updates his Jolt Productivity award-winning book to reflect all that’s been learned about agile development since its original introduction.   Alistair Cockburn begins by updating his powerful model of software development as a “cooperative game of invention and communication.” Among the new ideas he introduces: harnessing competition without damaging collaboration; learning lessons from lean manufacturing; and balancing strategies for communication. Cockburn also explains how the cooperative game is played in business and on engineering projects, not just software development   Next, he systematically illuminates the agile model, shows how it has evolved, and answers the questions developers and project managers ask most often, including   ·      Where does agile development fit in our organization? ·      How do we blend agile ideas with other ideas? ·      How do we extend agile ideas more broadly?   Cockburn takes on crucial misconceptions that cause agile projects to fail. For example, you’ll learn why encoding project management strategies into fixed processes can lead to ineffective strategy decisions and costly mistakes. You’ll also find a thoughtful discussion of the controversial relationship between agile methods and user experience design.   Cockburn turns to the practical challenges of constructing agile methodologies for your own teams. You’ll learn how to tune and continuously reinvent your methodologies, and how to manage incomplete communication. This edition contains important new contributions on these and other topics:   ·      Agile and CMMI ·      Introducing agile from the top down ·      Revisiting “custom contracts” ·      Creating change with “stickers”   In addition, Cockburn updates his discussion of the Crystal methodologies, which utilize his “cooperative game” as their central metaphor.   If you’re new to agile development, this book will help you succeed the first time out. If you’ve used agile methods before, Cockburn’s techniques will make you even more effective.  

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Agile Game Development: Build, Play, Repeat
    Agile Game Development: Build, Play, Repeat

    The definitive guide to more effective and personally fulfilling game development with Agile Methodsnow revamped to reflect ten more years of experience and improvements.Game development is in crisisfacing bloated budgets, impossible schedules, unmanageable complexity, and death-march overtime. It's no wonder so many development studios are struggling to survive. Fortunately, there is a solution. Agile and Lean methods have revolutionized development in the game development industry. In Agile Game Development, long-time game developer and consultant Clinton Keith shows exactly how these methods have been successfully applied to the unique challenges of modern game development.Clint has spent more than 25 years developing games and training and coaching hundreds of game development teams. Drawing on this unparalleled expertise, he shows how teams can use the practices of Scrum and Kanban, customized to game development, to deliver games more efficiently, rapidly, and cost-effectively; craft games that offer more entertainment value; and make life more fulfilling for development teams at the same time.Contains several new chapters on live games, leadership, and coaching, including an all-new section on Agile for large teams of up to 1000 developersUpdates to all chapters to reflect a decade of experience with more than 200 studiosNow covering Kanban and other Agile approaches alongside ScrumUnderstanding Agile goals, roles, and practices in the context of game developmentDiscovering how Agile benefits every specialty in game development from art to QACommunicating and planning your game's vision, features, and progressGame developers and leaders are recognizing the modern challenges of gaming. Game development organizations need a far better way to work. Agile Game Development gives them thatand brings the profitability, creativity, and fun back to game development.

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Ist Game Launcher kostenlos?

    Ja, Game Launcher ist kostenlos und wird standardmäßig auf Samsung-Geräten installiert. Es handelt sich um eine Anwendung, die speziell für Spieler entwickelt wurde, um das Spielerlebnis zu verbessern. Mit Game Launcher können Benutzer ihre Spiele organisieren, Leistungseinstellungen anpassen und Bildschirmaufnahmen machen. Es bietet auch Funktionen wie Spieltools, um Benachrichtigungen zu minimieren und die Leistung des Geräts während des Spielens zu optimieren. Insgesamt ist Game Launcher eine nützliche und kostenlose Anwendung für Spieler auf Samsung-Geräten.

  • Ist Game Guardian legal?

    Game Guardian ist eine App, die es Spielern ermöglicht, in Spielen zu betrügen, indem sie Spielwerte wie Münzen, Leben oder Punkte ändern. Die Verwendung solcher Cheat-Tools verstößt in den meisten Fällen gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen der Spiele und kann zu Sperrungen oder anderen Konsequenzen führen. Es ist wichtig, die Richtlinien der Spielehersteller zu respektieren und fair zu spielen.

  • Wie funktionieren Game-Keys?

    Game-Keys sind digitale Codes, die den Zugriff auf ein bestimmtes Videospiel ermöglichen. Sie werden in der Regel von Online-Händlern verkauft und können auf Plattformen wie Steam, Origin oder Xbox Live eingelöst werden. Nach dem Kauf erhält der Käufer den Key per E-Mail oder in seinem Benutzerkonto und kann ihn dann in der entsprechenden Plattform aktivieren, um das Spiel herunterzuladen und zu spielen.

  • Welches Game ist besser?

    Es ist schwer zu sagen, welches Spiel besser ist, da dies stark von persönlichen Vorlieben und Präferenzen abhängt. Es ist am besten, verschiedene Spiele auszuprobieren und zu sehen, welches einem am besten gefällt.

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